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Recovery and refining of industrial oil
Recovery and regeneration of contaminated solvents
Descaling chemicals for metals
Rust removers
Degreasing products for metals
Passivating chemicals
Bonderising salts
Phosphating products for metals
Pickling solutions for welding, soldering and brazing
Pickling bath accelerators, metal treatment
Pickling bath inhibitors, metal treatment
Pickling bath stabilisers, metal treatment
Metal hardening products, chemical
Metal tempering products
Chromating chemicals for metals
Neutralising agents for metal surface treatment baths
Flaw detection chemicals and dye penetrants for metals
Deburring products, chemical, for metals
Post-etch residue removers
Electroplating chemicals for metals
Precious metal plating chemicals
Aluminium plating chemicals
Brass plating chemicals
Copper plating chemicals
Chromium plating chemicals
Lead coating products, chemical
Nickel plating chemicals
Tin plating chemicals
Galvanising products, chemical
Coatings, nickel-boron, for metal alloys
Vacuum deposition (metallising) materials for metals
Sputtering and evaporation materials for metal
Stripping chemicals for metal
Etching and colouring chemicals for metal
Blueing agents for steel
Demagnetising products for iron and steel
Drawing agents for steel wire
Sealants for metal
Cleaning agents, industrial, for metal
Polishing products, chemical, for metals
Polishing compounds, cold metal treatment
Lubricant carriers