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Custom Medals| Foothills Classic Custom Medals

Medaliai, brangakmeniai

$ 2.62 USD / Gabalas





Produkto aprašymas

Foothills fury classic is a softball association, paying more attention to the long-term development of fastpitch players in the Foothills. It will make friends, develop new skills and have a good time here. Foothills Classic Custom Medals are intended to award those winner in the softball competition. Foothills Classic Custom Medals are irregular pattern. It looks like a shield. On the top of Foothills Classic Custom Medals, there is a whirling softball. Foothills Classic Custom Medals are plated with antique copper. If you want to different color like antique silver or antique brass. GS-JJ can met your demand.

As a big custom medal maker, GS-JJ has rich experience in making kinds of custom medals like race medals or sports medals, which also has a good reputation in quality , quantity and price. That means you buy not only cheap medals with the lowest price but also the high quality medals. Click and look through for a moment!

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