搜索结果: 驱蚊
发现6 公司首选上市有关: 驱蚊
We are Indonesian-based trading company which dealing with various local products for export purposes. We are selling our services and working on commission basis. We are going to help buyer from all... 阅读更多 »
- 天然大理石和石料 | 天然蜂蜜 | 倒捻子 | 槟榔 | 新鲜香蕉 | 新鲜芒果 | 金枪鱼罐头 | 棕榈油,未加工过的 | 淀粉,参茨和角豆树的 | 蔗糖...
- Mojokerto
- 印度尼西亚
Since 2013, Prompt Pest Control Equipments has been engaged in supplying ultrasonic pest control products, pest repellers, animal repellers, bird repellers, rodent repellers, snake repellents, monkey... 阅读更多 »
- 啮齿动物驱除 | 鸟的鉴别服务 | 病虫害防治 | 灭虫、消毒和灭鼠—机械和器材 | 驱蚊 | 病虫害防治,服务 | 病虫害防治物资和设备...
- Ahmedabad
- 印度