搜索结果: 实验室仪器(试验机)
发现8 公司首选上市有关: 实验室仪器(试验机)
RAJ BIOSIS PRIVATE LIMITED is an Indian health care products company. It has 100 employees and operates in over 130 countries. The company headquarters are in Rajasthan, Jaipur. The company was... 阅读更多 »
- 健康和医疗 | 过敏原,用于诊断和减感 | 生物化学诊断工具,用于医疗 | 检验妊辰的试剂、试纸、用具 | 体液药物含量测试用具 | 诊断助剂和试剂,(未做特殊定义的) | 测试工具,微生物检测用 | 健康及医疗产品 | 刮器,外科手术的 ...
- Jaipur
- 印度
Infinita Ltd was established in 2012 as a professional medical equipment supplier. The company is based in Bulgaria, representative of many reputable international brands. Our main goal is to deliver... 阅读更多 »
- 心电图设备 | 描记 | 心血管设备 | 手术室设备和仪器 | Coelioscopy设备 | 氩氦刀冷冻治疗设备 | 内窥镜检查,endosurgery设备 | 工作影院设备 | 阴道镜 | 内窥镜...
- Sofia
- 保加利亚
Bij Scala Scientific vindt u alle algemene apparatuur voor het inrichten van uw laboratorium. Denk aan apparatuur voor het voorbereiden en opslaan van monsters en de apparatuur die u in staat stelt... 阅读更多 »
- 实验室仪器(试验机) | 实验室设备,制造商
- Ede
- 荷兰
Welcome to Jlab, India's most trusted and reputed Educational Lab Equipment Manufacturerwith more than 60+ years of world-class support for being Number 1 Science Lab Equipment... 阅读更多 »
- 实验室仪器(试验机) | 实验室仪器
- Ambala
- 印度
Sumber Aneka Karya Abadi menyediakan rangkaian peralatan laboratorium yang berkualitas dari berbagai merek yang sudah lama dikenal sebagai produsen di manca negara, dalam rentang waktu lebih dari 45... 阅读更多 »
- 临床学实验室 | 实验室仪器(试验机)
- Jakarta
- 印度尼西亚
Nanomaterials and Nanofabrication Laboratories (NN-Labs®) was founded in 2001, and later morphed into NNCrystal US Corporation in 2015, with the goal to provide high quality nanoparticles to ... 阅读更多 »
- 健康和安全服务 | 健康及医疗产品 | 实验室仪器(试验机)
- Fayetteville
- 美国