搜索结果: 动力审计

发现5 公司

There are not a lot of spend professionals that have the time of ‘dumpster diving’ that Spinnaker has under their straps across all market areas. This stage of encounter gives us a very extensive kno... 阅读更多 »
  • 回收服务 | 垃圾处理厂 | 动力审计
  • Mississauga
  • 加拿大
  • 房屋介绍所、房屋管理 | 动力审计 | 总承包商 | 管理咨询服务,NEC
  • Honolulu
  • 美国
Russell Cole has a varied background, which suits him well when it comes to home energy audits. He has worked as a certified lead inspector, a building manager and as a manufacturing... 阅读更多 »
  • 动力审计 | 热成像服务
  • Franklin
  • 美国