О нама
As a leading water ionizer manufacturer, Water80 Ecological Technologies, Ltd. is research, manufacture and service based enterprise with core competencies in the fields of water purification system, water purifier, water filter cartridges and high-tech ecological materials. Our technologies and services are designed to benefit people's health and improve their quality of life. We are the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and wholesaler of ionized microcluster alkaline water purification system.
WAQWater80 is located in Vancouver, BC and our company is a member of Water Quality Association.
Our company is made up of principal partners/shareholders of three major water purification system OEMs. Together, we've been manufacturing various types of water filters and purification systems since 1992. With the most advanced patent pending water filtration technology, Water80 is formed to bring the latest technology to consumers in the shortest time and to help our customers earn the most valuable asset - health.
We manufacture residential and commercial ionized microcluster alkaline water filter systems that generate water which is not only clean filtered but also is able to help people fight many chronic diseases. Our water filter system is a high end water purifier and the next generation water ionizer which does not need plug-in or power. You can gain more information about our products and technologies by browsing the corresponding sections.
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