搜索結果: 粮食谷物

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Quinoa Grain

Quinoa Grain

$4.00 USD/ 片



$5.00 USD/ 片

MEG ZA IMPEX PTY LTD Food Stuff Trading, has been established as an International Business Agro-Commodities house. Importing, distributing and exporting state-of-art Birds and Animal feeds, Fresh... 閱讀更多 »
  • 玉米 | 成品粮 | 硬粒小麦 | 斯佩耳特小麦 | 奎奴亚藜 | 玉米 | 黄玉米 | 白玉米 | 巴斯马蒂大米 | 黑米...
  • 谷类(贸易) | 玉米 | 谷类(贸易) | 玉米棒子 | 玉米 | 黄玉米 | 鹰嘴豆 | 干豌豆 | 豌豆 | 菜豆...
  • Shijiazhuang
  • 中国
Rogers Foods has been proudly milling quality flour and cereal products from Canadian grain for over 60 years. With mills in both Armstrong and Chilliwack, British Columbia, we produce wholesome... 閱讀更多 »
  • 面粉业 | 谷类(贸易) | 杏仁 | 麸 | 面粉 | 豌豆麸子 | 燕麦 | 燕麦谷物 | 营养食品 | 燕麦麸...
  • Armstrong
  • 加拿大
We are an agro food export company that works directly with the producers and farmers in order to supply the best product from the farm to the global market. Our commitment is to provide with the... 閱讀更多 »
  • 农业—进出口 | 进口商和出口商,农产品的 | 谷类(贸易) | 鹰嘴豆 | 大豆 | 种子(贸易) | 橄榄油 | 牲畜食品加料 | 鸟配合饲料 | 家禽饲养器...
  • Burnaby
  • 加拿大
粮食出口集团于1980年在德国汉堡成立。我们是批发饲料谷物,粮食和植物油产品的供应商。 我们的主要市场是欧洲和中东国家。 有些产品是小麦,饲料大麦,饲料玉米,大豆,豆粕......(访问我们的网站了解更多信息) 我们供应的一些植物油产品是... 閱讀更多 »
  • 谷类(贸易) | 小麦 | 大麦 | 成品粮 | 硬粒小麦 | 家畜、家禽用谷物 | 玉米 | 粮食 | 饲料(贸易) | 饲料(贸易)...
  • Hamburg
  • 德国
SKYWIN IMPEX , a Exporter company established in 2012 is engaged in the growing,packing and exporting of all kinds of fresh tropical fruits both by air and sea from india to all countries. Fruits... 閱讀更多 »
  • 水果和蔬菜—进出口 | 坚果 | 新鲜蔬菜 | 香蕉 | 坚果和内核 | 新鲜的苹果 | 新鲜石榴 | 其他新鲜蔬菜 | 花 | 香料...
  • 印度
After 15 years in business, Anita sold her mill to a young, local family, John and Dani MacKenzie. Since 2005, John and Dani have nurtured business growth based on their commitment to a simple,... 閱讀更多 »
  • 保健和减肥食品零售连锁店 | 有机谷物 | 有机豆类和豆荚 | 有机坚果 | 有机水果 | 有机食品(贸易) | 保健食品 | 有机水果 | 保健食品生产企业 | 有机和减肥食品...
  • Chilliwack
  • 加拿大
波罗的海最大集团公司负责农产品加工,集团负责销售家禽; 饲养纯种家禽; 小麦和黑麦面粉, 混合饲料, 矿物质维生素补充剂和预混料,兽医用制剂,粮食收购和存储,生产狗食。... 閱讀更多 »
  • 面粉业 | 食品—进出口 | 养殖业—进出口 | 农业—进出口 | 草饲料 | 内脏 | 小麦 | 粮食谷物 | 软小麦粒 | 家畜、家禽用谷物...
  • Kaunas
  • 立陶宛
Naturkost de Mexico is a branch of the German Company Naturkost Uebelhoer GmbH Co. KG, since the company foundation in 1987 we have been has specialised in the sourcing of certified organic food raw... 閱讀更多 »
  • 谷类(贸易) | 有机豆 | 正大种子
  • Tlaquepaque
  • 墨西哥
CJSC cereal plant naladchik was esteblished in 1988. Plant Naladchik is one of the largest cereal producers in Altai krai, Russia. Altai krai is ecologically clean region. So that, every product of... 閱讀更多 »
  • 干豌豆 | 豌豆 | 豆 | 荞麦 | 燕麦 | 莜燕麦 | 燕麦谷物 | 粮食
  • Biysk
  • 俄罗斯
Based in beautiful Vancouver, BC, Canada, Fazio Foods International Ltd. has been a trusted name in the food industry serving domestic and international customers for over 25 years. Fully Canadian... 閱讀更多 »
  • 奎奴亚藜 | 橄榄油 | 豆油 | 食用油 | 玉米油 | 酱料 | 鞑靼酱 | 酱,芥末(日本辣根) | 蛋黄酱 | 调味品...
  • Vancouver
  • 加拿大
Left Coast Naturals is an organic and natural food manufacturer and distributor based in Burnaby, British Columbia and is the first distributor in North America to have a formal Non-GMO Policy. We... 閱讀更多 »
  • 坚果 | 谷类(贸易) | 有机稻米 | 粮食 | 有机谷物 | 有机豆 | 种子(贸易) | 面粉 | 烘烤半成品 | 有机食品(贸易)...
  • Burnaby
  • 加拿大
Founded in 1985, our family run company produces organic foods from three certified organic manufacturing plants. All our brands (Nature's Path, Que Pasa, EnviroKidz, Love Crunch and Qi'a)... 閱讀更多 »
  • 谷类(贸易) | 谷类 | 面包 | 糕点,烤面包机加热 | 维夫饼干 | 巧克力棒 | 休闲食品 | 有机食品(贸易) | 保健和减肥食品, | 保健食品...
  • Richmond
  • 加拿大
Since 1988 we have been milling whole grain flour using a unique process called "impact" or hammer milling. We produce a low temperature milled flour with no additives and no preservatives.... 閱讀更多 »
  • 面粉业 | 有机谷物 | 糕点面粉 | 面粉 | 面粉 | 面粉、麦片、谷物制品 | 面粉批发 | 煎饼,混合 | 面粉和面粉混合物...
  • Kelowna
  • 加拿大
Dear Ma´am / Sir It gives us immense pleasure to introduce ourselves to you. Exportaciones e Importaciones Saludables S.A.C., is a Peruvian Company producing and exporting organic and ... 閱讀更多 »
  • 成品粮 | 原料、浓缩食品 | 原料、浓缩食品
  • Lima
  • 秘鲁
Doudlah Farms/FarmRite Organics is a Biological Certified Organic Farm focused on the profitable, progressive and sustainable production of Non-GMO and Organic nutrient Rich Dense Foods; Ancient... 閱讀更多 »
  • 有机谷物 | 有机食品(贸易)
  • Evansville
  • 美国
The President and Founder of Factoria Quinoa, Luis Felipe Avella, during the first decade 2000 was one of the few main researchers in Latin America, with an Initiative of Social ventures in “La U... 閱讀更多 »
  • 奎奴亚藜
  • Bogota
  • 哥伦比亚