
  • 001-66-2-4278502
  • Bangkok, 10140
  • 태국
  • 전화:66-2-4270542
  • 팩스:66-2-4278502
  • URL:

회사 소개


Company profile


Incorporated: In theyear 1972

Registered capital:76 million baht

Total asset:122 million baht

Total sales(1998):270 million baht

Total employees:250

Products range:

1.100% polyester and nylon yarn both in raw-whitedyed

2. All types of knitted fabric in mix blends yarn like t/c, t/r, t/k,

100% polyester100% nylon

3. Dyeing all types of polyester, nylon yarn, mix blends knitted fabrics

4. Knitted garments for ladieschildren

Affliated concern:

thaiman industries co. Ltd do have sister concern namely g. H. Industries co. Ltd who is also involved in textile manufacturing

비즈니스 데이터

사용할 수 없음

제조업 자

100 ~ 200명

사용할 수 없음

우리의 위치