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TETRA ISI SISTEMLERI was founded on 2010 to produce mainly PID controlled laboratory equipments. Although we are a new company, we form a new concept via our knowledge and experience that we have got more than a couple of ten years. Our main studies are temperature and heat control by PID electronic control, heat transfer, mechanics, material science. Our experience helped to form our vision for the future and it was easy to understand what we need to do and it was easy to implement our duties to produce quality products and to have good service for our customers.
Working safety conditions, easy usage/ergonomy and energy saving precautions are considered as a whole package during the desing process of Magmatherm Furnaces. This is our production policy and it let us have a unique products.
Optimum isolation, carefully designed wire resistances and mechanics of furnaces are main factors to keep heat loss minimum from the heating chamber. So it is easy to touch the furnace for users during the working period, because these properties aid to keep outer surface temperature below the accaptable temperatures, althoug heating chamber reaches above 1000C. This property is a great advantage to place control unit above the main body, because user of the furnace can make any necessary adjustment at the eye level.
Software which is our own product is one of the superior properties of Magmatherm Furnaces. Heating chamber is controlled very precisely, especially above 800C, and temperature fluctiations are minimum during the process to reach target temperatures. When the furnace reaches to adjusted temperatures, temperature and heating control of the furace is very stable.
Adjusted temperatures can be reached by direct heating or by 4 stepped heating program. At the same time 4 different program can be saved in the memories to make hand use of programs, because saved programs can be recalled easily, during the operation period. Besides heating acceleration between 5C/min - 25C/min can be choosen by user.
PID controlled unit includes many details which are developed according to user/customer opinions. These properties make Magmatherm Laboratory Type Furnaces use very easily and they can be summurized as follows;
-4 line wide display and easy menu
-Automatic start option at the adjusted date and time
-To follow remaining time, when the furnace temperature is kept stable at the adjusted temperature level.
-When stepped programs are started, sound warnings during the step changes and at the end of whole program.
-Option to follow the temperature of control card/control unit
Well designed mechanic body is supported by optimum isolation and suitable, high quality resistance wires. These properties let Magmatherm Furnaces be durable and their working life very long. But, main item which determines the working life of laboratory type furnace ( Ashing furnaces ) are heating resistances. High quality and suitable resistances are designed very carefully and placed in to the quartz tubes in Magmatherm series Furnaces.
Working life of Magmatherm Furnaces can be determined by an accuplied timer which indicates total hetaing time beginning from first operation.
Temperature calibration correction is performed at a certain level via Menu display.
Magmatherm Furnaces are trustable products because of relaible and stable performances of hardware and heating resistances. Hovewer, they are equipped with some sensors and electronic safety controls. Forexample, if inner chamber reaches to a maximum working temperature and heating continues to raise inner temperature due to unexpected reason, heating is cut off automatically after a certain temperature. Same process is valid for overheated control PCB.
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