Otsingu tulemused: Telefonid, kõik liigid

Leitud 9 ettevõtted

Fidem Technologies is providing IP Communication solutions, Unified Communication Solutions, IP Contact Center Solutions, Small and Medium-sized Business Intercom Solutions, Communication Equipments,... Loe edasi »
  • IP-telefoniteenused | Telefoni- ja andmeedastusteenused | Telefaksi teenused | Häälepostiteenused | Kõnekeskuste/call ce...
  • New Delhi
  • India
At The Telecom Shop, we believe in our Green and Clean ethos. Through professional refurbishment in our specialist center, we can provide you with a fully refurbished telephone system, or any... Loe edasi »
  • Arvutiekraanid ja -puldid | LCD monitorid | Sülearvuti LCD ekraani | Sülearvuti kotid | Juhtmeta telefonid | T...
  • Erina
  • Austraalia