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Siam Inter Fusion LP. has been established since 2008 as distributor of cosmetic and spa products where co-operate partner with affiliated factory is specialist in manufacturer cosmetic and spa where acquire GMP certificate from FDA, Thailand be acknowledge in productivity and efficiency management. Our products are focus on quality of products, customer satisfaction, and naturalness of ingredients.

MakhamThai brand is combination of traditional and trendy style of Thai society to harmonize with modern world, we have creation of beauty and healthy set of skin nourishing with natural ingredients that friendly with skin, pleasing scents from essential oil perform on skin treatment and mind reliever. Regarding comfortable, we provide Home Spa to look after your skin under time limited in modern society and you can have enjoyable moment with aromatherapy and be also gift for special person.

One of famous fruit of Thailand is Ma Kham or Tamarind has been part of Thai living since former time not only in consumption but in remedy, skin treatment, and belief. Our active ingredient, Tamarind Polysaccharide derived from Tamarind seed that higher effective than general Tamarind extract. The benefits of Tamarind Polysaccharide are highly effective natural antioxidants to protect your skin cells from free radical impact and creating hydrocolloid film on skin to improve moisture and activate the natural protective mechanisms of the skin.

The research found that Tamarind extract made skin soft and supple, improve elasticity, hydration and firmness as well as reduction of roughness. Rebalance and revive your skin with natural way and relax your mind with natural aroma to reveal and refresh your life.

Turn and look back at value of natural origin,

Learn to stay with them interdependently

Sustain essential of life

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