• 2131 SR 16, 1/4th mile east of I-95 on SR 16 Metro Area
  • Saint Augustine, Florida, 32084
  • Сједињене Америчке Државе
  • ТЕЛ:904-536-5109
  • Факс: ---.---.-----
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О нама


We Provide Secure Storage for RV's and Trailered Boats up to 50 Feet Long. 24/7 Gate Access and 24/7 Video Surveillance.

A private security company patrols our grounds on an irregular schedule to assure maximum security for your valuable assets.

5 Acres, fully fenced and night lighted.

Monthly Rates Begin at $39 Per Month plus sales tax.

Lease terms are based on a simple Month-to-Month rental agreement

Conveniently Located 1/4th Mile East of I-95 on SR 16, St Augustine, Florida.

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