• 3-4-45, Higashisumida
  • Sumida-Ku, Tōkyō, 131-0042
  • Japan
  • Tel:81-3-36112181
  • Fax:81-3-36112182
  • Url:



Company NamePrestige Co., Ltd.


Head Office:3-4-45 Higashisumida , Sumidaku , Tokyo , Japan

zip code 131-0042

Telephone 81-3-3611-2181

Facsimile 81-3-3611-2182


Date of EstablishmentFebrurary 6th 1996

Capital Stock14 million yen

Representative DirectorItsugi Endo (President and CEO

Number of Employees5

Major BankMitsubishi UFJ Tokyo Bank

Mitsui Sumitomo Bank

Asahi Shinkin Bank

Principal BusinessDeveloping and marketing of car care chemical products

Bluetooth Headset, and cosmetics products.

Products*for Automobile

Waxes, Cleaners, Shampoos, Deodorant etc.

for Cosmetics

Body shape soap, jel, bath

Principal BusinessDeveloping and marketing of chemical products

for automobiles

Main CustomersAutobacs Seven Co.,Ltd. Yellow Hat Ltd. etc.

Endo's brief personal historyEndo was born on November 11, 1960

Endo graduated in law from Chuo

University in 1983

Endo entered a trading company in 1983

Endo left a trading company in 1992

Endo established Prestige Co.,Ltd. in 1996

Endo manages 14 years as President

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