搜索結果: 食品加工
發現2173 公司globalcatalog.com/dongphuongseafoodcompany.vn
We are DONG PHUONG Seafood Company - AFISHDEAL, established from 2007. We supply FISH and SEAFOOD from Vietnam, such as:
- 加工及腌制鱼,甲壳类动物和软体动物 | 对虾 | 小虾 | 金枪鱼 | 罗非鱼 | 蛤蜊 | 乌贼 | 海鲜 | 罐头海鲜 | 鱼—加工...
- Can Tho
- 越南
Gusu Food Processing Machinery Suzhou Co., Ltd., formerly known as Gusu General Works of Food Processing Machinery Suzhou, founded in 1969, is also the first enterprise making complete sets of... 閱讀更多 »
- 可可,巧克力和糖果制造 | 模制设备,用于糖果 | 涂覆设备,用于糖果 | 巧克力喷洒设备,用于糖果 | 可可豆加工设备和巧克力制造设备(贸易) | 巧克力乳酪生产设备 | 巧克力硬币和巧克力勋章生产设备 | 巧克力粒糖生产设备 | 巧克力...
- Suzhou
- 中国
Pooshesh Tehran Navid Co. marketed its first product in 1994 and has since then grown to be the largest manufacturer of polyamide and multilayer sausage casing in Middle East.
In order to meet the... 閱讀更多 »
- 加工及腌制的肉类 | 禽肉加工及腌制 | 肠衣,人造的 | 处理和保存肉类和肉产品的生产 | 肠衣(贸易)...
- Tehran
- 伊朗
Rogers Foods has been proudly milling quality flour and cereal products from Canadian grain for over 60 years. With mills in both Armstrong and Chilliwack, British Columbia, we produce wholesome... 閱讀更多 »
- 面粉业 | 谷类(贸易) | 杏仁 | 麸 | 面粉 | 豌豆麸子 | 燕麦 | 燕麦谷物 | 营养食品 | 燕麦麸...
- Armstrong
- 加拿大
Leader Food Process is a Tunisian company operating in the Agribusiness sector for over 20 years under the brand name "EL KHABIA" which means in Tunisian dialect "The Jar". it is... 閱讀更多 »
- 食品加工 | 加工过的香辛料和香草 | 香料 | 草药 | 姜 | 香草和香料 | 哈锐森 | 龙蒿,加工过的 | 提取的调味品及辛香佐料 | 小豆蔻,加工过的...
- Sfax
- 突尼西亞
Arbutus Ridge Farms Ltd. is an independent food company that produces more than 60 food products for retailers across British Columbia and Alberta. Established in 1997 on Vancouver Island in the... 閱讀更多 »
- 蔬菜加工和保藏处理服务 | 海鲜沙拉 | 香蒜酱 | 酱油 | 洋葱沙拉 | 红豆沙拉 | 西葫芦沙拉 | 沙拉萝卜 | 番茄沙拉 | 从辣椒沙拉...
- Duncan
- 加拿大
Welcome to Bremner Foods Ltd.
Bremner's is your local farmer and producer of premium fruit products.
Bremner’s, a Family Tradition Since 1979. The Bremner family prides itself on producing t... 閱讀更多 »
- 农业 | 水果和浆果加工顾问 | 有机蔬菜 | 酸果蔓 | 樱桃 | 鲜梨 | 新鲜的樱桃 | 有机食品(贸易) | 果汁和蔬菜汁 | 蔓越橘汁...
- Delta
- 加拿大
Welcome to Canature Processing Ltd!
Located in British Columbia, Canada, Canature Processing Ltd. is a forward thinking company using top quality innovative technology. We utilize... 閱讀更多 »
- 生产准备的宠物食品 | 冷冻干燥服务,食品的 | 食品冷冻服务 | 冷冻鱼 | 速冻食品 | 冷冻和速冻食品 | 冷冻鱼产品 | 冷冻肉 | 冷冻猪肉 | 冷冻猪肉...
- Langley
- 加拿大
IGP (formerly known as Indian Gifts Portal) is India’s largest multi-category gifting company, providing one of the best-curated collections of festival merchandise, gifts, fresh flowers, cakes, p... 閱讀更多 »
- 公平贸易交易的食品和饮料(贸易) | 公平贸易交易的鲜花 | 公平贸易交易的化妆品、香水和美容产品 | 公平贸易交易的珠宝首饰(贸易) | 公平贸易交易的家居装饰用品及配件 | 食品加工...
- Mumbai
- 印度
Canterbury Coffee is a Canadian owned company founded in 1981; and over the past 30 years we have strived to become western Canada’s leading roaster of specialty coffees and provider of allied p... 閱讀更多 »
- 加工的茶叶和咖啡 | 挂糖衣服务,烘烤咖啡的 | 咖啡和茶 | 咖啡和咖啡替代品 | 咖啡(贸易) | 批发咖啡烘焙 | 咖啡和茶制造商...
- Burnaby
- 加拿大
The Belgian Fish and Chips Fryery - Skylight represents the culmination of genuine culinary enthusiasts coming together to showcase their skills to the globe. Every dish is freshly prepared, ready... 閱讀更多 »
- 外卖食品连锁机构 | 膳食烹饪服务 | 膳食供应服务 | 鲟鱼 | 淡水鱼 | 鱼 | 鲤鱼 | 河鲈 | 白斑狗鱼 | 石斑鱼...
- Nowa Wieś powiat Iława
- 波兰
Since opening our first store in Kensington Market in 1959, European Quality Meats has grown to become a proud family run Canadian company recognized for quality products at reasonable prices. We... 閱讀更多 »
- 生产的肉类和家禽肉类产品 | 香肠 | 牛肉香肠 | 火鸡肉制的萨拉米 | 萨拉米 | 禽肉香肠 | 火腿和意大利腊肠(贸易) | 香肠,血肠 | 猪腿 | 土耳其肉,熏...
- Mississauga
- 加拿大
波罗的海最大集团公司负责农产品加工,集团负责销售家禽; 饲养纯种家禽; 小麦和黑麦面粉, 混合饲料, 矿物质维生素补充剂和预混料,兽医用制剂,粮食收购和存储,生产狗食。... 閱讀更多 »
- 面粉业 | 食品—进出口 | 养殖业—进出口 | 农业—进出口 | 草饲料 | 内脏 | 小麦 | 粮食谷物 | 软小麦粒 | 家畜、家禽用谷物...
- Kaunas
- 立陶宛
We are a dynamic society of mechanical engineering, based to Modena, specialized in industrial automation including Feed ,Packaging (Feed-pharmaceutical), Logistics, Publishing, Robotics, Special... 閱讀更多 »
- 工业设施的安装和拆除 | 工业制图服务,按客户规格的 | 工厂交钥匙工程商 | 奶牛场交钥匙工程商 | 机械工程服务 | 医疗仪器设计顾问 | 工业设施—设计 | 机械设计服务 | 加工服务,奶制品的 | 组装服务,食品工业机械的...
- Modena
- 意大利
Since 1996, Country Prime Meats Ltd., has specialized in producing top quality Canadian Meat Snacks. These products have reached international acclaim by winning several Gold Medals at food... 閱讀更多 »
- 肉制品 | 香肠产品 | 肉类零食 | 肉类罐头和制剂 | 腊肠产品 | 腊肠,小灌肠,香肠 | 香肠和小腊肠 | 香肠和其他准备肉类产品生产企业 | 出口商 | 肉及肉制品...
- Lac la Hache
- 加拿大
Intercity Packers produces a full line of protein items for the food service operator looking for premium quality and labor-saving innovation. Our strategically located Vancouver operation produces... 閱讀更多 »
- 肉的包装服务 | 家禽 | 羊肉 | 牛肉 | 牛排 | 牛肉和小牛肉产品 | 猪排 | 肉类罐头和制剂 | 野牛肉 | 切肉,服务...
- Vancouver
- 加拿大
Since 1988 we have been milling whole grain flour using a unique process called "impact" or hammer milling. We produce a low temperature milled flour with no additives and no preservatives.... 閱讀更多 »
- 面粉业 | 有机谷物 | 糕点面粉 | 面粉 | 面粉 | 面粉、麦片、谷物制品 | 面粉批发 | 煎饼,混合 | 面粉和面粉混合物...
- Kelowna
- 加拿大
STARS OF EXPORT is a leading company in growing, preparing, packing and exporting fresh vegetables and fruit It launched its business in 1992 as a supplier for Egyptian exporters and started... 閱讀更多 »
- 食品—进出口 | 新鲜或冷冻蔬菜 | 加工水果和蔬菜 | 水果,蔬菜及相关产品 | 水果和蔬菜产品 | 干制水果和蔬菜(粉) | 干果 | 蔬菜,干的(贸易) | 干果 | 水果,干的(贸易)...
- Būsh
- 埃及
Over the 30 years in business Trimpac has successfully reached many milestones and has grown with not only their customers but also within the industry. In 2008 Trimpac Meat Distributors Inc. took... 閱讀更多 »
- 加工及腌制的肉类 | 禽肉加工及腌制 | 家禽 | 牛肉 | 削减牛肉 | 肉类罐头和制剂 | 小羊肉 | 猪肉 | 冷冻牛肉肉 | 肉、脂油、肉类食品...
- Vancouver
- 加拿大
Founded in 1982, Qzina has a rich history in the world of chocolate and pastry. For over 30 years, Qzina has provided the highest quality products and inspirational Chef-to-Chef services to bakeries,... 閱讀更多 »
- 可可,巧克力和糖果制造 | 挂巧克力糖衣服务,烘烤杏仁的 | 巧克力牛奶 | 糕饼及蛋糕 | 糕饼 | 甜品 | 糕点 | 焙烤制品,涂布或弥漫着巧克力或糖果冰淇淋 | 巧克力 | 意大利式的风味巧克力...
- Richmond
- 加拿大
We have been providing quality meat cutting and sausage making since 1997 in Summerland, focusing on organic and all natural meats and sausages since 2000. We use only naturally raised, free-range,... 閱讀更多 »
- 牛肉 | 香肠 | 香肠 | 牛肉香肠 | 禽肉香肠 | 鸡削减 | 腊肠产品 | 野牛肉 | 腊肠,小灌肠,香肠 | 短粗灌肠...
- Summerland
- 加拿大
We are a family-owned and operated meat processing business that specializes in local (Comox Valley) meats, homemade sausages, bacon, pepperoni and so much more. Our facility is also G... 閱讀更多 »
- 加工及腌制的肉类 | 香肠 | 禽肉香肠 | 处理和保存肉类和肉产品的生产 | 熏制猪油 | 商店与肉 | 香肠,血肠 | 熏肉 | 腊肠,小灌肠,香肠 | 香肠和其他准备肉类产品生产企业...
- Courtenay
- 加拿大
India's vast area incorporates a great diversity of climatic and geographical conditions in which many breeds of cattle are produced by a great number.
International Agro Foods is amongst the... 閱讀更多 »
- 生产的肉类和家禽肉类产品 | 肉 | 肉及制品 | 牛肉和小牛肉产品 | 处理和保存肉类和肉产品的生产 | 冷冻BEAF肉 | 冷冻牛肉肉 | 冷冻和冰鲜肉类 | 深度冷冻肉类食品 | 冻结肉...
- Mumbai
- 印度
Kawano Farms is a family run abattoir that has been in business for 30 years. The Noullet family began the business in the garage of the family home in 1978. The facility included a cutting room,... 閱讀更多 »
- 肉的包装服务 | 牛肉 | 牛肉切块 | 香肠肉 | 香肠 | 牛肉香肠 | 猪肉香肠 | 香肠 | 火腿 | 猪肉产品...
- Prince George
- 加拿大
Bonanza Meat Packers has been a wholesale butcher and meat packer for more than 38 years. In 2013, we built a brand new storefront with the help and services of neighbouring businesses who have... 閱讀更多 »
- 加工及腌制的肉类 | 肉的包装服务 | 肉 | 牛肉 | 牛肉切块 | 香肠肉 | 香肠 | 牛肉香肠 | 猪肉香肠 | 猪肉产品...
- Kelowna
- 加拿大
Point Wines is recognised as one of Auckland’s leading specialist wine stores owned and operated by Simon and Jacquie Mackenzie for the last 12 years. Both Simon and Jacquie together with Victory and ... 閱讀更多 »
- 葡萄酒生产加工顾问 | 酒吧、啤酒吧,pub | 葡萄酒 | 葡萄酒生产商
- Northcote Point
- 新西兰
Olymel is one of Canada’s leaders in the field of primary processing, further processing and
distribution of pork and poultry products. With numerous plants based in Alberta, Ontario
and Québec, Ol... 閱讀更多 »
- 生产的肉类和家禽肉类产品 | 家禽 | 火腿 | 猪肉产品 | 猪排 | 特色肉类,猪肉 | 罐头猪肉 | 鸡削减 | 土耳其削减 | 繁殖和饲养的鸡...
- Red Deer
- 加拿大