
  • 404rm N0. 1 Youngor Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province. China
  • Ningbo, Zhejiang, 315600
  • China
  • Tel:86-574-65515549
  • Nchi:86-574-56877800
  • Url:

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Ningbo Innovationslife Co., Ltd. Is an expert in developing and manufacturing innovative products for international markets. Established since 1989, we are continuously growing and expanding to all areas in the world with our vast variety of consumer products.

We can turn your virtual idea into visible products by the help of our in-house of our skilled design and development team as well as locate the best selling market items from all over China. At Innovationslife we guarantee to provide the best service and best quality products for every client.

Whether you are from TV shopping networks, chain stores, mail order catalogs or promotional companies, we assure that Luckysky is your best choice for a rewarding partnership. Explore our product range and feel free to contact us for further information.

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