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Himoinsa 33 kva Diesel Generator


12900 EUR / Stykki


2 Ári (s)




Silent Diesel Generator 3 phase. The main power of 24 kW.

Optionally with automatic control system, or on request only with electric start system.

Fuel consumption in the standby mode (Stand by) - 8.93 l / h. Fuel tank capacity - 100 liters

Products of this range are characterized by high profitability for the user and the possibility of reliable and fast deliveries.

Gamma industrial diesel generator was designed for maximum performance and easy access during maintenance operations.

Among others, they can be used in housing, tourism, industry, agriculture and civil defense.

Innflutningur / útflutningur

1.00 Stykki

Gjöld þar kaupanda flytjanda mun undir öllum kostnaði þetta, Kostnaður við að vörur eru sóttar um borð í bát, Kostnaði þ.mt tryggingar og vöruflutningum til tilgreindum stað aðeins vaktstöð siglinga, Kostnaði þ.mt skipum og tryggingar að tilteknum stað, allar tegundir ökutækja, Free Skilað Duty ógreiddur, Öll gjöld tilgreind mörk, Afhentar á stað, Frjálslega afhent, skylda greitt og (stundum) skattur

T/T, L/C