• 412 W. Mcneese Street, Between Lake and Ryan on McNeese Metro Area
  • Lake Charles, Louisiana, 70605-5547
  • ამერიკის შეერთებული შტატები
  • ტელ:(337) 478-8350
  • ფაქსი: ---.---.-----
  • Url:

მთავარი გვერდი


Call Knight Media (337 478-8350) and describe what you need. We can offer information, pricing and ideas about your print job.

step2 Some orders can be placed by phone. For others, a Knight Media printing specialist will visit you at your location to talk over the details and take your order.

step3 If you have electronic artwork for your printing order, you can upload it via this Web site.

step4 When your design or layout is complete, Knight Media will show you a proof for your approval. If corrections are needed, you will receive a second proof for final approval.

step5 We'll complete and deliver your printing to your location. If it is to be mailed, we will prepare and mail it as arranged.

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