
  • P. O. Box 2625
  • Bremerton, Washington, 98310
  • Egyesült Államok
  • Tel:1-360-4159704
  • Fax:1-360-4159704
  • URL-cím:



Juicy jigs(tm) tackle company became a limited liability company in 2003 and is located in bremerton, Washington, USA.

Specializing in the highest quality squid fishing products. Juicy jigs(tm) tackle company sells spider-style squid jigs and squid hooks, traditional-style squid jigs and squid hooks, squid fishing rods and other squid fishing products.

Our squid fishing rod is the only one of its kind on the market.

Juicy jigs(tm) tackle company is the industry leader in squid fishing products and service. Our customers come from around the world.

We are known for our great customer service, high quality and effective products.

Please visit for more information.

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