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New Pig 36 Litre Absorbent New Pig-Haz Mat Spill Socks - 124CR


£ 105 GBP / 片





JEC presents its New Pig-Haz Mat Absorbent Socks - 124CR

Mouldable Socks hug corners and walls, surround machine bases and contain spills; contained absorbent makes cleanup quick and easy

Polypropylene filler is chemical-resistant for containing and absorbing corrosive or reactive spills

Polypropylene skin is chemical- and tear-resistant; reduces dust and holds in liquid, even when fully saturated

Absorbs and retains most acids, caustics and unknown liquids

Specially treated to absorb high concentrations of corrosive liquids, such as 98% sulfuric acid and 30% sodium hydroxide, better than any other absorbent in the market

Product Contents: 12 Socks/Box

Product Composition: Skin - Polypropylene

Filler - PIG Polypropylene Pulp

Fluids Absorbed: Acids, Caustics & unknown liquids

Despatch Time: 2 - 3 Working Days

ATTENTION: Independent testing indicates that PIG HAZ-MAT products are compatible with and absorb most acids and caustics. Due to variables and conditions of applications beyond our control, New Pig cannot guarantee that this proudcut will absorb to your satisfaction. To insure effectiveness and your safety, we recommend that you conduct compatibliity and absorption testing of your chemicals with PIG HAZ-MAT products prior to purchase. If you have any questions or need samples to test, please call your local distributor.




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