• Jungil Bldg, 3F, 197-8, Chamshil-dong, Songpa-gu
  • Seoul, 138-220
  • სამხრეთი კორეა
  • ტელ:82-2 -4204128
  • ფაქსი:82-2-4202646
  • Url:

მთავარი გვერდი


LOHAS(Lifestly of health and sustainability)

At J2LOH we consider LOHAS to be the key to the future.

The 100% organic cotton used in our product is produced without any harmful chemical inputs. There is no contamination of the land or water.

There are no harmful chemical residues in final product. This benefits everyone,

from the growers right down to end users.


დაწვრილებით »
