
  • 34 Sverdlovskaya nab.
  • Saint Petersburg, Leningradskaya Oblast’, 195027
  • Russie
  • Tél:7-812-3350404
  • Fax:+7 81 22 25 15 22
  • Url:



At present JSC Igristie Vina is one of the largest Russian wineries. The Company's business is in production and sales of its products on the Russian market, as well as in exporting of its products. The Company plans for the nearest future include expansion of its Russian market and increasing its sales in Russia, as well as take strong positions on European markets of champagne.

JSC Igristie Vina has three production areas:

* The main quarters of the Company and facilities of the winery producing champagne, table wines and cognacs in Saint -Petersburg;

* The storage facilities located in the industrial zone of Saint-Petersburg - in Obukhovo. The good access to the storage area provides for adequate arrangement of logistic processes of transportation of products to various regions of Russia by air, railroad and motor transport;

*The branch of JSC Igristie Vina in Moscow - the office and the warehouse spaces of the area 500 m2.

The winery is fitted out with the modern equipment. On its territory there are arranged three champagnization departments, one wine material shop of the area 10.000 m2, two champagne bag-in-boxing lines, one cognac bottling line of the capacity 7 000 bottles/h and one champagne bottling line of the capacity 15 000 bottles/h. The possibility for the Company to install that high-capacity equipment has appeared owing to large-scale investments. For instance, in 2006 into modernization of the winery were invested $9 millions.

The capacity of the winery is 50 million champagne bottles and 5 million cognac bottles annually.

The advantageous layout of the winery on the territory of Saint -Petersburg, a seaside city with its own cargo port ensuring the way out to the Baltic Sea basin, makes it possible for the winery to obtain top -quality wine materials from the best winemaking regions of the world, primarily from France, Spain, Italy, as well as from Argentina and Chile.

According to data of the National Alcohol Association for 2009, JSC Igristie Vina is on the first place among the wine manufacturers of Russia.

The high quality and excellent taste of products of JSC Igristie Vina are conformed by awards won in many prestigious wine tests. The collection of the winery awards includes more than 100 various medals, decorations and diplomas.

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