
  • # 874-1, wolgye4-dong Nowon gu
  • Seoul, 139-847
  • სამხრეთი კორეა
  • ტელ:82-2-919 6836
  • ფაქსი:82-2-919 6822
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Hope you and your company prosperous every day.

Your esteemed name was acknowledged from the trade promotion center of korea.

We, Hanyang Scientific Equipment Co., Ltd, are a leading manufacturer of laboratory equipments from Korea since long time. We can supply a various models of latest design of new laboratory equipments. We are looking for a business partner in your country.

Available models of Laboratory Equipments are as below

- Digital Colony Counter

- Heating Block

- Hot Plate Stirrer

- Automatic Water Still

- Natural Convection Oven

- Forced Convection Oven

- High Temp Convection Oven

- Vacuum Oven

- Cold Trap

- Muffle furnace_SIC

- Muffle furnace

- Incubator

-B.O.D Incubator

-Orbital Shaker

-Incubator Shaker

-Shaking Incubator

-Shaking Water Bath

-Water Bath

-Circulator Water Bath

-Cooling Circulator Water Bath

-Visible Bath

-Circular Oil Bath

-Temperature Humidity Chamber


-Clean Bench

-Fume Hood

-Culture Chamber

-Cold Lab Chamber

-Forced Convection Oven_Customization

If you are interested in my proposal, please contact me for more information.

Best Regards,

Jefferson / Overseas Sales

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