Established in 1999, Guangzhou Hua Cheng Hardware Firm has accumulated more than 15 years of experiences in manufacturing and Specializes in Hardware Accessory of handbags, Luggage, Shoes and other items. We have our own factory and design team.
We are located in Shiling International Hardware and Leather Town, one of the biggest wholesales markets in China, where thousands of factories and companies of handbags and cases are searching and purchasing hardware items.
So we can catch the trend of the new design and fashion, and collect huge information from this big market and our partners or visitors. Then we can design and supply the right hardware accessories for you.
We have our own mould designer, which enable to produce the correct mold to meet the requirement of the buyers.
We have good cooperation partners such as some big plating factoriese, which gurantee the good and stable quality of surface plating treatment.
We care what you care, and we do what you need. Let's make win-win results together.
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