搜索結果: 餐具产品

發現6 公司

KLINEKO LINE was built in 2009 to promote the concept of ECOLOGICAL cleaning. In order of doing that we have partnerships with well known German professional cleaning producers. Klineko Line... 閱讀更多 »
  • 化学—进出口 | 环保家用清洁保养产品 | 餐具产品 | 防灰尘产品 | 清洗解决方案 | 厕所清洁剂 | 洗碗粉 | 清洁产品 | 家庭清洗和保养产品 | 炊具和烤箱用清洗剂...
  • Timişoara
  • 罗马尼亚
Yaya Maria’s makes the most natural dish soap that there is. Most dish soaps leave a chemical film on your dishes that gets in your food – but not this one. Yaya Maria’s keeps your dishes clean and yo... 閱讀更多 »
  • 餐具产品
  • Flint
  • 美国