Otsingu tulemused: Ortopeedilised tarvikud

Leitud 4 ettevõtted

Dr. Amit Laturkar is an Orthopedic Doctor in Aundh Pune and has widely regarded as one of the best orthopedic surgeons in Aundh, With specialization in the management of sports injuries, arthroscopy... Loe edasi »
  • Ortoptiline aparaat | Ortopeedilised jalanõud | Ortopeedilised tallatoed | Põlvetoed, ortopeedilised | Põlveligamendid, ...
  • Pune
  • India
We design and produce INNOVATIVE ORTHO IMPLANTS according to personal design of the Bulgarian ortho doctor and inventor DR.NESTOROV. We offer EXTERNAL FIXATOR - unilateral - rigid -... Loe edasi »
  • Abivahendid luumurdude puhul, poldid ja plaadid | Ortopeediliste tarvikud | Meditsiini- ja kirurgiaseadmete remondi- ja...
  • Sofiya
  • Bulgaaria