• 4041 Forest Park Ave.
  • Saint Louis, Missouri, 63108
  • Сједињене Америчке Државе
  • ТЕЛ:(314) 282-7378
  • Факс: ---.---.-----
  • Урл:

О нама


Emergent Sensor Technologies, LLC (EST) is a research design and development start-up company specializing in innovative sensor technologies. Our goal is to advance sensor technologies for food safety, environmental monitoring, defense, and healthcare diagnostics. EST currently works with collaborative partners in government, academia, and industry, to solve problems both local and worldwide.

The specific objectives of EST and its management team are to:

Identify innovative sensor technologies

Design and develop new sensing devices

Commercialize new products

By pursuing these objectives, EST will solve problems through science, engineering, and technology that will benefit humanity.

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