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Gold ores and minerals
Mattes, gold bearing
Iridium ores and minerals
Osmium ores and minerals
Palladium ores and minerals
Rhodium ores and minerals
Silver ores and minerals
Platinum group metal ores and minerals
Magnetite (magnetic iron ore)
Haematite/kidney ore
Limonite/brown haematite
Specularite/iron glance/grey haematite
Iron pyrites/pyrite/mundic
Marcasite/white iron pyrites
Pyrrhotite/magnetic pyrites
Iron carbonates
Siderite/chalybite/spathose iron
Bog iron ore/limnite
Iron bearing sands
Iron oxides, mixed
Iron ore, washed
Iron ore, sintered
Iron ore, calcined
Iron ore, dressed
Iron ore, concentrated
Iron ore, pelletised
Iron ore, processed
Argentiferous ores, lead, copper, zinc