BOWLING ADVISOR- Reviews of Most Aggressive Bowling Balls On The Market

Matériel et fournitures Bowling



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Most of the time, people would start off with a plastic ball or what they call a beginner ball. But they are generally designed to go straight and do not really give you very much hook. Well, it could hook depending on how much spin you placed on it, but this is generally what we would put a beginner in.

And then the step up from there would be the most aggressive bowling balls on the market. They go all the way from entry-level performance, all the way up to high-performance bowling balls.

Bowling Ball Manufacturers are always trying hard to come up with a product that betters your game. But, much like you need to know that there are different aggressive bowling balls on the market. There are vast arrays of options to consider beforehand you buy one.

Usually, the top aggressive bowling balls come with a high-velocity asymmetric core. With an additive on the top, they create more frictions on the surface and hook the ball well down the lane.

Today we will present you a list of top 8 aggressive bowling balls available on the market.Let’s begin the in-depth series of most aggressive bowling balls ever made. This one is for the Storm Phaze 2 bowling ball – The first aggressive bowling ball on the list.

If you are looking forward to buying one or happen to have one sitting around but don’t use it much, we are going to dig into the specifics and nuances and give you reasons why you should use it more often in your bowling game.

Starting with its supercharged velocity core, the core is strikingly similar to the centripetal core from the Storm’s Marvel series from a number of standpoints. And that’s easy to recognize because the Marvel series was known for the blend of power, control, momentum, and incredible versatility.

Storm Phaze 2 is the only ball that TX 16 (Traction-X 2016) solid has been used on. The tech sheet says it’s all about traction and has an additive that increases the footprint on the lane or increases the surface area of the ball in contact with the lane.

But, that doesn’t give me a reference to R2s coverstock or some other well-known cover on the line. However, the cover feels somewhere between R2s and nano to me.

If I had to guess, this aggressive bowling ball has got R2’s responsiveness and control, but nano strength cover if they put an NRG solid on the velocity core. The velocity just feels more aggressive.

It’s rolling in windy, and when the ball turns over, it goes, and it looks like it keeps gaining momentum. The Storm Phaze two is a ball you can get your hand inside of and feel confident in getting through it and projecting it, knowing that it’s going to wind up quickly and make it back up the hill without burning up.

That’s the crowning achievement of the most noticeable facet of this ball.

The core keeps the ball moving and climbing most of the time. The Phaze II has a masterful blend of control, traction, power and versatility, and it should never be discontinued.

Whether you’re a league bowler, a tournament bowler, or both, if you don’t have one of these, you should seriously look into it. It won’t fit all lane conditions, but I can’t think of a bowler style that it wouldn’t fit.