• 846 Gallison Hill Rd, U-32 High School Metro Area
  • Montpelier, Vermont, 05602
  • ایالات متحدهٔ امریکا
  • تلفن:(802) 229-1342
  • فکس: ---.---.-----
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درباره ما


In my studio in beautiful Montpelier, Vermont you will find me creating handmade journals, photo albums, and guest books using traditional bookbinding techniques. I work with handmade papers from around the world, satin and brocade cloths, leather, and silky ribbons. All of the materials I use are acid-free to ensure the longevity of your photos.

Recipient of Artist Development Grants from the Vermont Arts Council in 2009 and 2010

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بیش از 1000 نفر


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