• Χονγκ Κονγκ
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An integrity and win-win business partner wanted!

I am looking for an integrity business partner who owns a factory or with other self-own business and would like to seek for a reliable and truly caliber person to help in his/her business development / expansion for a win-win relationship.

Who am I?

A HK person with 20 yrs sales ,mkg and bus dev exp who

1) Want to develop a bus path

2) Eager to assist the bus partner for a win-win relationship

3) Used to implement various strategies to meet mkt demands with successful past track records and performance

4) A pioneer to explore new potential market and customers

5) A good communication and coordination party who focuses on maintaining and strengthening cust relationship

6) Well understand the whole merchandising, manufacturing processing and general operations of a company or a factory

7) Holder of Master degree of Marketing Management from a reputable university

8) A person be worthy of trust and highly reliable(not money-minded)

Please feel free to contact me to discuss. As a true market oriented person, I trust my talent and exp are not limited in any kind of products/service.

Best regards

Billy Cheng

billycheng.plan(at)gmail (dot) com

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