
  • 4, Lot. Des Vignes
  • Quevert, 22100
  • ფილიპინები
  • ტელ:33-02-96871527
  • ფაქსი:33-02-96390387
  • Url:

მთავარი გვერდი


Le Monde des Crepes is the leading manufacturer of frozen crepes and galettes (buckwheat) in France. Ready to fill as you'd like or already filled with a wise range of toppings (from chocolate to salmon. . . ) available is anysize ranging from 10cm to 35cm in diameter.

Manufacturing private brands for all French Supermarket chains as well as for export customers.

We're also manufacturing high-end pancakes and mini-blinis particularly suitable for catering and the hotel industry.

დაწვრილებით »
