uvFreshr Germ UVC Disinfection Light

Önnur heimili þrífa verkfæri og fylgihlutir



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UVC light at 253.7nm kills bacteria and viruses on any surface. uvFreshr UVC lights have been lab tested at the University of Guelph with E.coli and S.aureus for >99.9999% disinfection, thereby passing FDA’s 6 log reduction requirement for disinfectant devices.

Use uvFreshr to >99.9999% disinfect your phone, keys, makeup brushes, gym bag, desk, cabinet, kitchen and bathroom countertops, locker, bed, pillow, tools, shoes, closet, toys, gym and gaming equipment, car surfaces, and more. Travel with uvFreshr.

Buy uvFreshr once and recharge. Save on long term costs of buying disinfecting sprays and wipes repeatedly.

Disinfecting solutions and UVC wands require time over one spot to achieve 99.9% disinfection in that spot. Light uvFreshr & leave for effortless 99.9999%+ disinfection.

Disinfectant solutions are known to have toxic chemicals that can cause skin and respiratory allergies or asthma, cancers and more. uvFreshr UVC lights are free from toxic chemicals and are your green solution to disinfection. uvFreshr devices are pesticidal devices and are EPA compliant with EPA establishment registration numbers.



